Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Teenager's Confusion

Being a teenager is just about one of the hardest phases in our lives. And from the way some of the adults in our lives may act, you may get the impression that they were never really teenagers...
Everything is so confusing! Society expects us to make some of the most important decisions in our lives when our bodies are just about raging with hormones and we are the most spiritually susceptible to other influences. There are so many things out there that push us either away or towards God especially with everything becoming so over-sexualised and being religious becoming something to be ashamed of. This blog is not encourage or discourage anyone from Christianity or any other religion for that matter. All we are trying to do is show you that there can be a place without judgement, without hypocrisy and a platform for teenagers to ask and answer questions and make up their own mind about God.

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